Bus map (Interactive)

  • Autobús urbano

Find out which bus lines you should take to get round the city with this online interactive map.



Getting around

Get around the city easily, quickly and economically with our tourist travel card which gives unlimited use of all public transport.

Explore the city in a healthy, sustainable way. Through the Madrid 360 initiative, the city reaffirms its commitment to sustainability and improving environmental protection.

  • Discover the city's most popular sights and attractions, from one of Europe's largest royal palaces to the magnificent Prado Museum and the Real Madrid football stadium. 

    Madrid Top 10
  • Palacio Real

Metro map

  • Download the map to one of the most modern underground transport networks in the world (PDF, 1.6 MB)

    Madrid Metro Map (PDF)
  • Plano Metro de Madrid. Actualizado septiembre 2022