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Declared a BIC cultural heritage site in 2001, this building is one of the most significant examples of contemporary Spanish architecture. Located within the Ciudad Universitaria district, it was commissioned in 1965 and designed by architects Fernando Higueras and Antonio Miró, who created a four-storey reinforced concrete construction, a circular building with a jagged, pointed cornice, giving rise to its popular nickname, the ‘Crown of Thorns’.
It is the headquarters of Spain’s Institute of Cultural Heritage, part of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, dedicated to the conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage.
There are guided tours available so members of the public can explore the building and find out about the work its professionals do.
The IPCE Library offers a comprehensive document service for the Institute's different areas of work as well as for researchers and external users.
Docking station: INEF (Avenida Juan de Herrera, 1)
Tuesdays: 9am-2:30pm. By appointment only, email: archivo.ipce@cultura.gob.es
Photo archive:
Mon- Fri: 9am:-2:30pm. By appointment only, e-mailfototeca.ipce@cultura.gob.es
Mon- Fri: 9:am-2:30pm. Access to the library is by appointment only. E-mail: ipce.biblioteca@cultura.gob.es. Access for research and study purposes only.
The city’s new official sightseeing and tourist travel pass.
An observation deck at 92 metres.
Our online store (in Spanish) sells artisan souvenirs.